This is it folks! This right here is the true origin of AcadeCon.
At my first GenCon experience (2013), I had put a call out on social media for a pre-GenCon get together with listeners (fans) of our podcast (D&D Academy at the time), and we ended up with a handful of people that came over to our hotel (which was 20 minutes away) and played some games.
it was here that I met John and Dani for the first time (our crazy Rhode Islanders) as well as Randy (he of the green shirt) and Tim and Pierce and his fiancé Alissa.
It was hands-down my favorite event at GenCon and has encouraged me to do a pre-GenCon hangout each year (and each year it gets bigger and bigger). But this hang-out pictured below was a true kernel that got planted in my brain and eventually became AcadeCon!

Standing – L-R: Alissa, Pierce , Tim, Michael, Dani, Randy, Travis, John, Rocky. ……………………………..Sitting – L – R: Nick, Brad